FBF: Christmas in September (9/16/2024)

The Top Line

This week contains the International Day of Democracy (generally not celebrated in the US), Constitution Day, a House Rules Committee hearing on the chamber rules for the 119th Congress, the Congress.gov forum and Congressional Hackathon, and so much more. Keep cool and keep caffeinated.

If you want to brush up on your personal cybersecurity at an event tailored for staff, RSVP to this virtual training next Monday hosted by the American Governance Institute, the R Street Institute, and Demand Progress Education Fund.

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FBF: It’s Showtime (9/9/24)

September 9, 2024

The Top Line

Here we are again. Over the next few weeks Congress will be at a performative peak, working hard to draw contrasts between the parties, distinctions among the factions, and assail the opposing party’s marquee candidates in any way possible. This is in stark contrast from what we can expect in December, when members are the farthest they can possibly be from an election and all the pent-up legislative energy will be channeled into a few must-pass bills.

In the background are the tectonic shifts of our political system transforming into a new configuration and a series of slips and jolts as political actors seeks to take advantage of and construct new terrain.

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FBF: The calm before the storm (9/3/2024)

 This week’s newsletter will be shorter than usual. We’ll be back in full force next week.

Technology and Democracy

The Library of Congress will hold a public forum on September 18th from 1-3pm. The forum “provides an opportunity for the public to learn about recent enhancements to Congress.gov and to provide feedback about the site.” Click on the link to RSVP.

The Congressional Hackathon will take place on September 19th from 1-6pm. The hackathon “will bring together a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, Congressional staff, Legislative Branch agency staff, open government and transparency advocates, civic hackers, and developers from digital companies to explore the role of digital platforms in the legislative process.” Follow the link to RSVP.

Continue reading “FBF: The calm before the storm (9/3/2024)”